SKU: AMS-Pure-Fuel Category:

Anderson’s Pure Fuel


Mother Nature’s Original Sports Fuel is Pure Maple Syrup.

It is the natural, authentic and unprocessed fuel your body needs for energy and recovery. It’s easily metabolized so your muscles benefit quickly and will help increase your stamina during long training sessions. When consumed after a workout, it helps your body recover by replenishing your glycogen reserves. And since Pure Maple Syrup naturally contains potassium, it can help replace the electrolytes your body loses throughout your work out. Today more and more sports science research is proving what we’ve known all along — Pure Maple Syrup is pure energy that’s good for you. Plus, it tastes great. That’s why we use Anderson Pure Maple Syrup on virtually everything that needs sweetening. And it’s why we use it for instant energy, whether it’s to beat an afternoon slump or to fuel a long run. We count on Pure Maple Syrup because it’s nature’s original sweetener and proven energy booster.

This is 1 – 1 Ounce single serving pouch.